NexGen Sequencing for precision powered decisions using Comprehensive Tumor-Normal Match

Personalising genomics for cancer treatment.
Meeting stringent and latest global standards.
AI/ML (iCore) enabled dynamic data analysis
Annotating findings through ‘Indx Knowledge Base (iKB)’
OncoIndx® Prime is a Comprehensive tumor-normal match genomic test which performs molecular profiling of tumor and normal samples simultaneously from the same patient.

Why Tumor-Normal match ?
Identification of true somatic and true germline mutations
High accuracy of TMB, MSI, and HRD with the patient’s normal matched sample
Accurate identification of reversal and Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) mutations
High accuracy in detecting copy number variation (CNV)
Single comprehensive test to address complex molecular quesitons in cancer patients
OncoIndx® Prime in practice
Challenges of managing treatment responses are addressed through tumor-normal match derived treatment choices.
Tumor-normal match NGS report enhanced with AI and updated clinical studies help identify the most beneficial therapeutic options.
User-friendly digital interface to interpret and understand tumor-normal match derived genomic findings.
Where is OncoIndx® Prime needed?
Cancers progressing on standard-of-care treatment
Cancers showing resistance to conventional treatment
Cancers where treatment choices depend on germline/somatic alterations
Cancers where combination of target drugs and/or immunotherapy could benefit
Designed for oncologists managing complex, advanced and refractory cancer patients.
Proprietary panel of 1,000+ genes
Tumor-normal matched
Longitudinal monitoring markers
PD-L1 through IHC (TBx) / immunofluorescence on CTCs (LBx)
CTC enumeration
Traceability to ongoing clinical trials worldwide
Review of genomic results by scientific board leading to pertinent treatment decisions.
Key actionable genes included:
Features of the OncoIndx® Prime Report
In accordance to international guidelines.
Clear, unambiguous and actionable genomic findings.
Based on highly reliable and internally curated databases.
Precise reporting of tumor-derived, germline, reversal and CHIP mutations.
OncoIndx® Prime is a well-validated tumor-normal match NGS test to extract therapy information for the patient. It is possible on both tissue as well as blood sample.
This tumor-normal matched NGS test includes 1000+ genes of targetable/therapeutic significance.
1000+ genes
>99% on target coverage
The test has a mean coverage of 98-100% across all tested genes.
The test is performed at a mean depth of 2000x for tissue samples and 10000x for blood.
2000x / 10000x mean depth